OPI Lincoln Park After Dark Dupe

I am sure that many of you will be familiar with the very famous OPI nail lacquer shade Lincoln Park After Dark. Listed at £12.50 on the OPI own website, this polish is a far cry from the likes of Barry M and Rimmel found in the drugstore.

OPI's Lincoln Park After Dark

image source: https://www.opiuk.com/shop/lincoln-park-after-dark.html

This is an image sourced from the OPI website. I personally find that this is not an accurate depiction of the shade at all. In the image above, the colour is depicted as a brighter purple shade than what it is in real life. In real life, you would struggle to spot the difference between OPI Lincoln Park after Dark and any ordinary black nail polish.

Rimmel's Deliciously Dark

To be honest it does really depend on the picture, when one is taken in natural light, both colours look lighter, appearing as a very deep plum shade. However, when natural light is not in abundance (hello, British weather) my nails appear black. These polishes are not for the faint hearted.

Below is a picture of my nails painted with Rimmel's Deliciously Dark taken in artificial light:

British weather changing from sunny to overcast in a matter of minutes makes it almost impossible to take a good picture.
As you can see, in artificial light the shade appears lighter than black, rendering it more wearable.

Is it just me who thinks that nail polish shades such as black are not the most wearable?

OPI Lincoln Park After Dark Dupe OPI Lincoln Park After Dark Dupe Reviewed by Roshni P. on September 07, 2011 Rating: 5


  1. I think black is very wearable, preferably in fall/winter. Personal preference is the determining factor, I think.

    I have been wanting LPAD for about a year and have owned Rimmel's Deliciously Dark just as long and have never known of this dupe. Thanks!

  2. i like this color,
    i totally agree with A polished touch , it's wearable .

    so yea :)

  3. Hiii Rosh.. its been long time i read u .. it seems i missed many tips at ur this cuty blog.. will follow now on..

    Hw r u doing otherwise? everything fine..?

    it would be nice to have u back at my blog..


  4. love the color!!!


  5. I own the OPI one and I love it <3
    Your nails are sooo pretty!

  6. @Jess- Same here! =)
    @Nancy- Try the Rimmel one too, it's awesome :D


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