Recently, Missguided have appeared in the media as a result of using non-airbrushed photos of models for their clothes.

Image source: Missguided

This, in my opinion, is an attempt to promote social acceptance of what has previously been portrayed as 'flaws' and shows women that stretchmarks are normal and simply just part of growth. It is so important for brands to continue to empower women and show women that there is no such thing as perfection. We all have differences and this is what makes us all unique.

It is unclear whether the stretchmarks have been photoshopped in. I sincerely hope that they have not been, as otherwise this will undermine the significance of the entire movement and portray it as just a marketing ploy.

I hope that the body positivity movement grows and expands to include models of various shapes and sizes, and not just on a brand's 'curve' section.

BODY POSITIVITY BODY POSITIVITY Reviewed by Roshni P. on November 09, 2017 Rating: 5


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