How I scrunch my hair! + I got an award!!!

I got an award! From the lovely Holly
The Liebster Award is designed to bring well deserved additional recognition to those bloggers with less than 300 followers. If you receive the award you link back to the blogger that nominated you and nominate 3 more blogs.
I decided to chose 3 blogs that I discovered recently..
My awards go to:

Moving on to part 2 of the post- scrunching hair!:

Everyone scrunches their hair differently, so I thought I'd share mine with you guys. It's an overnight process and requires styling in the morning, but you don't need to do the overnight part. That's just for more defined curls :)

The Overnight Part #1
It's simple, braid damp hair into 2/3/4 chunky braids before bed. Since I want looser waves, instead of super tight curls (almost like crimps) I do 2 braids.

In The Morning #2
1. If your hair is still slightly damp, great, but if not, just spritz some water.
2. Get your hands on some mousse. Any kind works fine!
3. Bend your head upside down, and scrunch using the mousse. Scrunch for at least 2 minutes!
4. Lift your head back up and scrunch the front, using another blob of mousse.

That's it, you're done! You will probably end up with curls/waves like this:
Thank you everyone, for commenting and following! xo

How I scrunch my hair! + I got an award!!! How I scrunch my hair! + I got an award!!! Reviewed by Roshni P. on May 16, 2011 Rating: 5


  1. Eeep this has made my day!!

    Thank you sweety :)


    Lol at how I commented on the wrong post....actual looser haha :) x

  2. Oh my goodness wow! Thank you so much! I just had a little flap in front of my laptop.

    Also, do you have a twitter?

    And that looks great, I've got very long hair and I can never quite get it all to do what I want so I'll try that! xx


  3. @joanna x- Lol, you're welcome :)
    @Jenny- Glad you liked the scrunching! Nope, I don't have a twitter- not yet anyway! Knowing me, if I make one I'll never get off it, lol xD

  4. I have quite straight hair, it has some kinks in it, do you think this will work for mine? At the moment I curl it with straightners but am looking for something less time consuming and this looks perfect and the end result is so pretty! xxxx

  5. @Becca- Probably! My hair is usually straight with kinks in the layers and it works great! Try it out :)

  6. Aww thanks so much! You are so sweet! :D I really am over the moon about this! xxx

  7. I am very jealous of your scrunching techniques- been trying to perfect beachy waves for years and always ended up more 'drowned rat'. Thanks for the tips, definitely worth a try :) x

  8. love your blog! am already a follower:)


Thank you for commenting! I try and reply to them all-if you asked a question, check back for a reply ♥

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