
Hey guys!
I went shopping a couple of weeks ago and here's what I bought. Not a lot but still enough to do a mini haul.
Here's the beauty related stuff I got:
  • Collection 2000 Ultimate Fix
  • ChapStick in Strawberry
  • Boots Skin Clear Oil-Absorbing Sheets
  • Collection 2000 Lasting Perfection Concealer
And I also got some other random stuff that you can see in the picture. Let me know if you would like a review for anything- the Ultimate Fix maybe? I have a lot of stuff to say about that.

I have a Sigma Brush giveaway going on here
And remember when I reach 100 followers there will be another giveaway so hopefully that should be happening very soon!

→Shopping →Shopping Reviewed by Roshni P. on June 25, 2011 Rating: 5


  1. that concealer is amazing, my everyday go to! xxx


  2. @DibDabs- Really? I think it's alright actually- still looking for a better one :)
    @ohyouprettythings- Thank you! xD

  3. Hmmm that strawberry Chapstick looks yummy (:

  4. You got yourself some great stuff! <3 lovely haul!

  5. @G A B Y- Yeah it does! Not sure how it smells though because I haven't opened it yet xD
    @Sara.H- Thanks! :) Hopefully I'll do another haul soon =)

  6. Nice haul! I'd like to read a review on Boots absorbing sheets.
    New follower. Hope you follow back too:

  7. Just found your blog and am your newest follower!
    I have the collection 2000 concealer, it's quite good, but I still think I can find a better one!




Thank you for commenting! I try and reply to them all-if you asked a question, check back for a reply ♥

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