OPI Lincoln Park After Dark dupe!


I've been eyeing up one of OPI's most famous nail polishes for a while now- Lincoln Park After Dark. Here's a pic of it:
Opi Lincoln Park After Dark Nail Lacquer
image source
But come on, it's quite expensive for a nail polish. So I was really excited when I saw the nail polish below- Rimmel's Deliciously Dark! It's so much cheaper and is practically the same colour, don't you think?
image source
I can't do swatches because I don't own the OPI one, but from the looks of things they look pretty much alike! I also checked on the internet and it seems like the Rimmel one is an exact dupe.

Question of the day: What's your favourite nail polish colour? 
Comment below with your answers, I'd love to hear what colours you like to wear on your nails xD

OPI Lincoln Park After Dark dupe! OPI Lincoln Park After Dark dupe! Reviewed by Roshni P. on July 01, 2011 Rating: 5


  1. Thanks for sharing this :)

  2. my fav colour is maroon n product by sweet touch (pakistani nail polishes)

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